Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Since my sisters and I talk again, we have luncheons often, this was one for Jo-Anns birthday, and since it is close to Halloween decided to have a dress up party. My mom is 90 and she is the witch on the right. Marlee is the old cruddy man beside me. Jo-Ann is an old woman by Melissa, Sam was a vampire, and Rylie didn't dress. And of course last but certainly not least Ethel. The older I get I realize that relationships are much to valuable to just discard, because you don't agree. Jo-Ann is a Breast Cancer survivor and I suppose that helped break the ice between us. Now that we are back together, do we agree on everything? Absolutely not, but its not a end all break all because we don't. I am richer for allowing these ladies back into my life. Who knows how much longer Mom will be with us, but for that matter any of us, so make the most of everyday and tell your loved ones they are loved, you never know if it may be the last time you may be able to.

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