Thursday, November 15, 2007


I watched half of the Democratic debate tonight. Some of the issues that are dearest to my heart were not really discussed in depth. I sure wish I could be one of those reporters asking questions, the first question I would ask is "Sir or Madam, what would you do to make the 1% with 80% of the wealth start paying their fair share of taxes? I saw where the richest pay 17% and the rest of us average Joe's pay 32%, now I don't care how you slice or dice that, how in the world did the rich yucky mucks, which remember we are talking 1%, get us to go for that. The answer is they didn't, they just had their hired lobbyists to make sure the congressman did their bidding instead of the people who elected them, and did it very sneaky. Another question is why do you guys have better health insurance than the rest of us? Or why in the world do the drug company's sell their drugs cheaper in Canada, but not here. I have a zillion questions. I think I am leaning towards Joe Biden, but he probably won't get it. You ever watch a Republican debate? You know what they spend their time on talking about? Family values, Terrorists, too high taxes. Family Values my butt look at those guys, they go through wives like Doanes goes through kidney pills. Terrorists yeah their real concerned about that, that's why our borders are wide open. Too high taxes jeeze Louise, we had a balance budget before this Republican got in to office, now we are spending billions every month in a civil war. We don't even get our oil cheaper. Bummer.

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