Monday, November 26, 2007
New Baby
It won't be long and Baby Mouser will be arriving. I am so happy that this baby is going in to such a loving home, with two totally devoted parents. She is such a lucky little girl. I watched Shelby tonight, and what a joy that little one is, she is so busy. She would say from time to time today, "you know Jessica has a baby growing in her tummy", we were looking at old photos, one was with Greg and Jessica standing by the Miata, when Greg took Jessica to a fancy dance during college. They both look so young, as if they don't now. They probably never thought of all the future happenings in their new found love. This will be one of the most exciting and tiring events in their whole life. You never realize how tired you are when you wake up every night at 2AM. But it goes so darn fast. Just soak in all of the wonders of being a new parent, take joy and wonder in all things. Those little feet, that small bottom, tiny little fingers, sweet little nose. Watching at night to make sure the little chest rises up and down. Bending down to feel her little breaths. That wonderful sweet newborn cry, and that also wonderful sound of her silent breathing. I envy Greg and Jessica, they are starting on a new adventure, one that I completed years ago. May the journey be wondrous for them all.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Oh my gosh, I have never had such a run around and poor customer service as I have with this company. We started our new adventure by going to Best Buy (our first mistake) to change our phone service from our now sold company, to one of our own. Well the person that helped us, and I use that word "helped" loosely, screwed up from the beginning. When we wanted him to correct, he said "oh, no problem just call customer service and they will take care of it in a few minutes". NOT, it has been almost 3 weeks and still no resolution. So tomorrow we are taking the phones back and going with Alltel. Man their commercials are so cool. And Greg, Jessica, Melissa, Angie, Johnny will be in our call circle. Does anyone read this thing?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I watched half of the Democratic debate tonight. Some of the issues that are dearest to my heart were not really discussed in depth. I sure wish I could be one of those reporters asking questions, the first question I would ask is "Sir or Madam, what would you do to make the 1% with 80% of the wealth start paying their fair share of taxes? I saw where the richest pay 17% and the rest of us average Joe's pay 32%, now I don't care how you slice or dice that, how in the world did the rich yucky mucks, which remember we are talking 1%, get us to go for that. The answer is they didn't, they just had their hired lobbyists to make sure the congressman did their bidding instead of the people who elected them, and did it very sneaky. Another question is why do you guys have better health insurance than the rest of us? Or why in the world do the drug company's sell their drugs cheaper in Canada, but not here. I have a zillion questions. I think I am leaning towards Joe Biden, but he probably won't get it. You ever watch a Republican debate? You know what they spend their time on talking about? Family values, Terrorists, too high taxes. Family Values my butt look at those guys, they go through wives like Doanes goes through kidney pills. Terrorists yeah their real concerned about that, that's why our borders are wide open. Too high taxes jeeze Louise, we had a balance budget before this Republican got in to office, now we are spending billions every month in a civil war. We don't even get our oil cheaper. Bummer.
Jobs and No Jobs
I was shamed into posting something on my Blog. Greg my youngest has a gift for words and spelling, in fact that reminds me I have to change the unless to inless, on my China post. Or something like that, I seem to have a memory problem too. Anyway last Friday, I e-mailed Angie and asked if I could borrow her beautiful Shelby on Sunday night. She answered yes, but Johnny didn't have a job anymore. That was it! It was like being hit in the stomach, it took my breath away. I tried calling her, and as usual, she would not answer. So later on I called Johnny, cause he does answer me! And asked what happened and he explained, I was crying and asking him if he was OK, and he said yes. He comforted me, but that's Johnny. You know I fell in love with that kid when I had him in OM, he was game for anything, I think he was in 6Th grade and he was already a wonderful human being. You can imagine my delight when my daughter said she was dating him. I hate the fact that a person as sweet as Johnny is going through this crappy job loss dilemma. Dick, me, Greg, Jessica, we all went through this November of 2006. And I am going through it again with the selling of the Clare store. But its a little easier this time, I have been through it once, I am a little more seasoned for disappointment, not thinking that this could ever happen again, but actually steeling myself for when it is going to happen again. I read Johnny and Greg's blog and you see them praising God for not what they are going through, but him helping them through it. I hope I don't get struck by lightening, but if I do Greg you get this desk, anyway God hasn't really helped me, I don't feel that warm and fuzzy feeling, I just feel PISSED. I have a lot to be thankful for don't get me wrong. And I guess I can understand why I am not his priority, especially when he has wonderful people like Greg and Johnny singing his praises, and all I am doing is complaining. Its like with Greg and Johnny, God is their Bud. But me its like the illegitimate red headed crossed eye child. God has to recognize me, but you can tell he would much rather hang out with his two poster kids. I am not trying to be mean. Funny maybe, but not mean. I had another disappointment today, I didn't get the job that I interviewed for and one of the interviewers, there were I think five, called me to tell me "I was not getting the job", I said "oh," I mean for one thing they never call you and tell you, you didn't get the job! But he went on to tell me he thought I really did a good job interviewing and hoped I would continue to apply, because there were jobs opening up all the time. I thanked him, I am glad he did call, otherwise I would have constantly been waiting by the phone. But I am getting so use to disappointment, that's the scary part. I am getting way to cynical. But you look at Greg and Johnny and you can't stop and wonder where the heck does that faith come from? I guess its this unseeableroute I have taken.
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