Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween 09

What a great time we had. Mom as the cheerleader, showing us her flexibility! You would never guess that this gal is 92. JoAnn cheated with Moms costume from a couple years ago, but that's OK! LouAnn as bacon, never guessed that one, Angie as a clown, Eli as Honey Pot, Melissa as a Raven, Sam as a "swamp monster", Shelby as Cinderella, Rylie as Cleopatra, me as a mad cook. The laughs were many. So missed Marlee, hopefully she was looking down from above with her "Angel" costume. I bet she had little horns on top!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Job

Well I finally got hired for a permanent position at the State. The beloved MBT project! Lots to learn, use to that. I got bit by a stray cat "Fred" that I had been feeding, Fred should have lived by the motto "Don't bite the hand that feeds you", Fred is now spending his last days, in the lap of luxury at "Ionia Pound", where after a 10 day sentence he will make his way to the big Cat heaven. Olivia and Shelby called Grandpa Dick to wish him a happy birthday, was he smiling